working from home

Dang, 2020 has been a whirlwind, am I right? It seems like it’s just one thing after another. However, the show must go on. Many of you have told me you are being told to work from home and are thrown into this without any help. I’m here to help give you some of my […]


March 17, 2020

10 Tips for Working from Home & Staying Healthy

The Best Trader Joe's Pumpkin Products

Okay, after many requests and multiple trips back and forth to Trader Joe’s I’ve decided to let you in on my list of The Best Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Products of 2019. I wish I had gotten this out earlier to you but ah-well such is life. I spent two trips making my way up and […]


October 11, 2019

The Best Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Products 2019

peanut butter cookie dough dip

Oh hey there, it’s me, Sassy. I know it seems like I’ve fallen off the face of my blog, but have no fear, I’m back. I needed a break and wanted to spend the time I was blogging on finding ways to expand and grow my business. It’s AMAZING how much there is out there […]

Recipes, Snacks & Sides

January 24, 2019

High-Protein Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Dip

Buffalo Hummus Chicken Salad

Well this week is flying by and I can’t seem to catch up! Seems like a theme in my life, I know. Thank goodness for this Buffalo Hummus Chicken Salad though because it has been my go-to lunch of choice this week. Sometimes all you can do is feed yourself well and that’s the win […]

Main Course, Recipes

July 26, 2018

Buffalo Hummus Chicken Salad

Summertime, and the living’s easy. Or should I say hot, fast paced, crazy busy and fun!? Summer is probably my favorite time of the year because the days are long and the activities are endless. Not to mention the older I get the more I hate being cold. This probably doesn’t bode well for me […]

Blog, Meal Plans

July 20, 2018

Summer Meal Prep: Tips, Tricks, & Essentials

Easy Breakfast Sausage Patties Ah, breakfast! My favorite meal of the day. No, seriously. I love breakfast. I look forward daily to starting my day off with something delicious, filling and nutritious. Don’t believe me? Check out my Instagram to watch me post all about my eggs, leftovers, overnight oats, savory oatmeal and whatever else […]

Blog, Breakfast/Brunch, Recipes

March 22, 2016

Easy Breakfast Sausage Patties

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